
[Juniper] SRX 550: VPN (Pulse Secure) + LDAP auth

Step 1. Configure Dynamic VPN Users and IP Address Pool

set access profile Dynamic-XAuth client Jed firewall-user password P@ssw0rd
set access profile Dynamic-XAuth address-assignment pool Dynamic-VPN-Pool
set access address-assignment pool Dynamic-VPN-Pool family inet network
set access address-assignment pool Dynamic-VPN-Pool family inet xauth-attributes primary-dns
set access firewall-authentication web-authentication default-profile Dynamic-XAuth

Step 2. Configure IPSec Phase 1

set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal description "Dynamic P1 Proposal"
set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal authentication-method pre-shared-keys
set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal dh-group group2
set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal authentication-algorithm sha1
set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal encryption-algorithm 3des-cbc
set security ike proposal Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal lifetime-seconds 1200
set security ike policy Dynamic-VPN-P2-Policy mode aggressive
set security ike policy Dynamic-VPN-P2-Policy description "Dynamic P2 Policy"
set security ike policy Dynamic-VPN-P2-Policy proposals Dynamic-VPN-P1-Proposal
set security ike policy Dynamic-VPN-P2-Policy pre-shared-key ascii-text test@123
set security ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway ike-policy Dynamic-VPN-P2-Policy
set security ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway dynamic hostname vpn.domain.com
set security ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway dynamic ike-user-type shared-ike-id
set security ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway external-interface ge-0/0/0.0
set security ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway xauth access-profile Dynamic-XAuth

Step 3. Configure IPSec Phase 2

set security ipsec proposal Dynamic-P2-Proposal description Dynamic-VPN-P2-Proposal
set security ipsec proposal Dynamic-P2-Proposal protocol esp
set security ipsec proposal Dynamic-P2-Proposal authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96
set security ipsec proposal Dynamic-P2-Proposal encryption-algorithm aes-256-cbc
set security ipsec proposal Dynamic-P2-Proposal lifetime-seconds 3600
set security ipsec policy Dynamic-P2-Policy perfect-forward-secrecy keys group5
set security ipsec policy Dynamic-P2-Policy proposals Dynamic-P2-Proposal
set security ipsec vpn Dynamic-VPN ike gateway Dynamic-VPN-P1-Gateway
set security ipsec vpn Dynamic-VPN ike ipsec-policy Dynamic-P2-Policy
set security ipsec vpn Dynamic-VPN establish-tunnels immediately

Step 4. Configure Dynamic VPN Parameters

set security dynamic-vpn force-upgrade
set security dynamic-vpn access-profile Dynamic-XAuth
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-protected-resources AA.AA.AA.AA/27 BB.BB.BB.BB/28
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-exceptions
set security dynamic-vpn clients all ipsec-vpn Dynamic-VPN
set security dynamic-vpn clients all user Jed
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-protected-resources AA.AA.AA.AA/27
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-protected-resources BB.BB.BB.BB/28

Step 5. Configured NAT

set security nat source rule-set VPN_NAT from zone untrust
set security nat source rule-set VPN_NAT to zone [ untrust trust ]
set security nat source rule-set VPN_NAT rule r1 match source-address
set security nat source rule-set VPN_NAT rule r1 match destination-address [ AA.AA.AA.AA/27 BB.BB.BB.BB/28 ]
set security nat source rule-set VPN_NAT rule r1 then source-nat interface


В destination-address нельзя указать больше 8 подсетей. Если необходимо больше, тогда создаём ещё правило (set security … VPN_NAT rule r2…) с теми же параметрами, но с нужным destination-address.

Step 6. Configured allowed policy

set security address-book global address VPN_NET
set security address-book global address AA_NET01 AA.AA.AA.AA/27
set security address-book global address BB_NET02 BB.BB.BB.BB/28
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone untrust policy untrust-to-untrust match source-address VPN_NET
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone untrust policy untrust-to-untrust match destination-address [ AA_NET01 BB_NET02 ]
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone untrust policy untrust-to-untrust match application any
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone untrust policy untrust-to-untrust then permit

Step 7. Verifying IPSec Connection

root@SRX240> show security dynamic-vpn users
root@SRX240> show security dynamic-vpn client version
root@SRX240> show security ike active-peer
root@SRX240> show security ike security-associations
root@SRX240> show security ipsec security-associations
root@SRX240> show security flow session source-prefix

Информация взята с http://www.mustbegeek.com/configure-dynamic-remote-access-vpn-in-juniper-srx/ с некоторыми дополнениями.

Для подключения используется клиент Pulse Secure, который можно скачать либо с официального сайта либо прямо из web-морды SRX’a


К сожалению у меня как раз версия

>show system software
Information for junos:
JUNOS Software Release [12.1X44-D20.3]

[SRX] LDAP authentication not working with Dynamic VPN (https://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB19869)


Unable to integrate LDAP authentication with Dynamic VPN


Dynamic VPN XAuth is not working when external LDAP server is used.

This applies to SRX platforms (SRX100, SRX210, SRX240, SRX650) and with the following versions of Junos:

  • Junos 9.6 (SRX210, SRX240)
  • Junos 10.0 (SRX100)
  • Junos 10.2 (SRX650)



Junos OS 12.1X45 and above:
LDAP authentication can be used with Dynamic VPN and group based authentication for LDAP is supported. For an example, see KB21978 – [SRX] Dynamic VPN XAUTH using LDAP.
With Junos OS 12.1X44 and below, integration of LDAP authentication in Xauth for Dynamic VPN is not supported.

An external RADIUS server is required and recommended for XAuth and to provide an IP address for the virtual adapter installed on the client PC. Only an external RADIUS server is supported and recommended for XAuth while implementing Dynamic VPN.


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